
Quick primer on some insightful characteristics of matlab for the course

MATlab : Matrix Laboratory can be used as a scripting language any variable is a matrix (a scalar is a special case of a multidimensional array)

credits Alessandro Giusti

Giacomo Boracchi September 25, 2017

close all

disp('For enquiry, please send an email to');

% variables are defined by an assignement

% data types are automatically defined depending on the assigned value
whos v

% a row vector (commas can be omitted)
r=[1, 2, 3, 4]

% a column vector
c=[1; 2; 3; 4]

% a matrix
v=[1 2; 3 4]

% you can concatenate matrices or vectors as far as their size are consistent
B=[v', v']

C = [v ; v]

% this is not allowed
% K = [r,c]
For enquiry, please send an email to

v =


ans =

     1     1

  Name      Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  v         1x1                 8  double              

r =

     1     2     3     4

ans =

     1     4

c =


ans =

     4     1

v =

     1     2
     3     4

ans =

     2     2

B =

     1     3     1     3
     2     4     2     4

C =

     1     2
     3     4
     1     2
     3     4


v(indexes) returns a vector of all the elements of v at locations in array indexes

% you can reference single or multiple values in an array:
v(1,2) % first row and second column (row and column indices are 1-based)
v(:,2) % the second column of v
v(1,:) % the first row
B(:,2:4) % some of the columns
v(5,5) = 10 % you can extend vectors / matrices by assigning some element our of the range
ans =


ans =


ans =

     1     2

ans =

     3     1     3
     4     2     4

v =

     1     2     0     0     0
     3     4     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0    10

operation on vectors are from linear algebra

common operations work on matrices (careful about multiplication and division)

ans =

     5    11     0     0     0
    11    25     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0   100

there are also element-wise operators

[1 2 3].*[4 5 6]

[1 2 3] + 5
[1 2 3] * 2 % no need to use element-wise operator with scalars
[1 2 3] .* 2 %explicit element-wise multiplication
[1 2 3] / 2
[1 2 3] ./ 2 %explicit element-wise division
[1 2 3] .^ 2 %explicit element-wise power

[1 2 3] * [4 5 6]' % this matrix product, returns a scalar (it is the inner product)

[1 2 3]' * [4 5 6] % this is the matrix product, returns a 3 x 3 matrix
ans =

     4    10    18

ans =

     6     7     8

ans =

     2     4     6

ans =

     2     4     6

ans =

    0.5000    1.0000    1.5000

ans =

    0.5000    1.0000    1.5000

ans =

     1     4     9

ans =


ans =

     4     5     6
     8    10    12
    12    15    18

variables have datatypes (usually you can forget, but not when dealing with images). Most common types we will consider are double, (i.e. double-precision floating point), uint8 (i.e. unsigned integers with 8 bits, [0 255] range), logical (i.e. boolean).

whos v

% casting to 8-bit integers
v = uint8(v)
whos v
  Name      Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  v         5x5               200  double              

v =

    1    2    0    0    0
    3    4    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0   10

  Name      Size            Bytes  Class    Attributes

  v         5x5                25  uint8              


you can compare a vector via the customary relational operator and obtain a vector of logicals

whos v
v =

     0     0     0     0     0
     1     1     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     1

  Name      Size            Bytes  Class      Attributes

  v         5x5                25  logical              

Images are matrices

whos im
imshow([im im]);
imshow([im; im]);
  Name        Size             Bytes  Class    Attributes

  im        256x256            65536  uint8              

Matrices are images

M = rand(100);
% M = eye(100);
% imshow(magic(200),[])

... but datatype matters! Careful about data range: [0 1] for double and logical, [0 255] for uint8


plot the image histogram

compute histogram of image intensity values

h = hist(im(:), [0: 255]);
figure(2), stairs([0: 255], h), title('intensity histogram')
axis tight

Image brigthness can be modified by adding an offset to each pixel

figure(1), imshow(im + 50), title('brigthness increases of 50 graylevels');
% few pixels are saturated
figure(1), imshow(im + 100), title('brigthness increases of 100 graylevels');

% contrast can be modified by streching the histogram, image has to be
% converted in double format
eq = double(im - min(im(:)))/double(max(im(:)) - min(im(:))) * 255;

figure(1), imshow(uint8(eq), []), title('Image now covers the whole range');

Image ranges (in the visualization) can be also controlled by the second argument to imshow

imshow(im,[-100 156]); title('increased brighness same contrast');
imshow(im,[0 156]); title('increased brighness and contrast');
imshow(im,[ 100 256]); title('decreased brighness, increased contrast');
imshow(im,[ 100 356]); title('decreased brighness, same contrast');
% Consider that brightness and contrast can be also changed by
% - adding an offset or
% - scaling the image

gamma correction

a nonlinear transformation used to change the contrast in different range of intensities

hold on;
x = 0:0.001:1;
for gamma = [.04 .1 .2 .4 .7 1 1.5 2.5 5 10 25]
    y = x.^gamma;
    plot(x,y,'DisplayName',sprintf('\\gamma = %.2f',gamma));
    % display the text
    text(x(round(end/2)),y(round(end / 2)), sprintf('\\gamma = %.2f',gamma));
title('Power law I/O characteristic');
leg = legend('Location','eastoutside');
axis equal
grid on
hold off

% play with gammaVal and set a different value for the gamma Correction.
% check which part of the image are being mostly affected by this transformation
gammaVal = 5;
imd = im2double(im);
imshow(imd, [])
title('original image')
imshow(imd.^gammaVal, [])
title(sprintf('Gamma corrected image using \\gamma = %.2f', gammaVal));

It's also useful to play with the imtool command and its "contrast" function, which also shows the histogram of the image.

a = imread('circuit.tif');
figure(4), imshow(a), title('original image');

% compute the histogram of all the intensities
hist_a = hist(a(:), [0 : 255]);
stairs([0 : 255], hist_a, 'r'), title('image intensity histogram (pdf)')
ylabel('hist values');

% the histogram can be computed also as
% imhist(a);

% the histogram can be seen as the pdf of a RV corresponding to pixel realization
% histogram equalization consists in applying a monotonic transformation
% that brings this pdf towards a uniform distribution.

% this trasformation is x -> CDF(hist, x) where
% CDF is the cumulative density function of the histogram
% x is the intensity of a pixel
cdf_a = cumsum(hist_a);

cdf_a_map = uint8(cdf_a / cdf_a(end) * 255);

stairs([0 : 255], cdf_a, 'b'), title('cumulative of image pdf')
ylabel('cdf values');

a_eq = cdf_a_map(a + 1);

hist_a_eq = hist(a_eq(:), 0 : 256);

title('Original image');

title('Equalized image');

title('Original image histogram');

title('Equalized image histogram');

Color is represented by 3 channels (RGB)

You get a 3d matrix

whos im
  Name         Size                  Bytes  Class    Attributes

  im        1417x1417x3            6023667  uint8              

Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying
at 50% 

this is a 3D matrix, because it has 3 dimensions (not because the 3rd dimension has only 3 elements).

whos test

% We can instead see each single channel as a grayscale image
whos imr % note: now it's 2D, so it will be displayed as grayscale
imshow(imr), title('red channel')
imshow(img), title('green channel')
imshow(imb), title('blue channel')
  Name         Size                  Bytes  Class    Attributes

  test      1417x1417x2            4015778  uint8              

  Name         Size                Bytes  Class    Attributes

  imr       1417x1417            2007889  uint8              

Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying
at 50% 
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying
at 50% 
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying
at 50% 


We can plot the result of logical operations

whos l
imshow(l); title('pixels where blue is 30% stronger than red');
  Name         Size                Bytes  Class      Attributes

  l         1417x1417            2007889  logical              

Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying
at 50%